Tag Archives: state of new mexico

Racists with Confederate flags and Badges, Cibola County NM

We moved to New Mexico to follow the call and pull that was in our spirit. We left Colorado prepared to find remote land away from the energy and vibration of the city, excited to live closer to nature and build our home and legacy for our children with our own two hands. Additionally, we planned to secure a large section of land and open it up to people who have the same calling in their heart and may not have the means to establish land while stepping into the same spiritual calling. We opened up a program to welcome community members onto the land. Seems harmless right? Sounds like a mission with the focus of community and upliftment.

The only difference is, when a message like this hits the ears of white racists from Texas, about the only brown family in the subdivision, it turns into a laundry list of someone else’s dirty laundry. Shortly after arriving on our land in July 2017, we had one white neighbor announce our presence on his Facebook page without our consent and the next thing we know, our sanctuary is bombarded with neighbors wanting to look around. Although that seems harmless, we trusted these people, put aside our own prejudice and past negative experiences with people like them and eventually got screwed. False information about our property and our plans spread like a New Mexico wildfire and quickly picked up someone else’s crap along the way.


Pretty soon we started meeting newer neighbors as a result of a hateful, lonely woman going around our subdivision and surrounding cities telling people that we’re “selling and making meth, growing hundreds of marijuana plants, trafficking marijuana from Colorado and starting a cult.” Although we were bothered by the claims, we decided it was in our best interest to ignore this woman and all the people associated with her. She tried flagging us down in the road after accusing neighbors of befriending us and allowing us on their properties, we decided to keep driving and keep ignoring the problem.


Then, we’re a few days into January and discovered our road blocked by a herd of Cibola County Sheriff’s Department cars, a K-9 unit, officers walking around the intersection with M16’s and our only way out of the subdivision is completely blocked off. At first, the story was that they were there to introduce themselves to everyone, which eventually came to asking us to see our campground and informing us that over 100 Crimestoppers reports had been filed against me and my husband. Some of you have been reading our journey since 2011/2012 when we started our first joint venture business. Some of you may just be reading this, and I ENCOURAGE YOU to go back and read our old blogs, dig through our social media accounts, check out our WEBSITE and YOU make your own decision about the type of people we are. We’ve always been transparent in everything we’ve done, discovered and healed along our journey and we’re confident that our natural, loving, community-centered lives will reflect that without convincing.


That day we were disrespected, racially profiled, harassed, our land trespassed on, our rights violated and targeted by the Cibola County Sheriff’s Department and this hateful group of people who call themselves the Mujeres Militia. Fast forward a month, May 2nd we had our 18th negative encounter with 2 more members of this militia that turned into two Texas ranchers filing a false report against us to the police that put us in jail, had our dogs impounded and MORE of our RIGHTS VIOLATED!

But our divine protection cannot be broken! I (IxChel) went 7 days with hardly any water due to the poor quality of water being offered at the back of a toilet in a cell I didn’t belong in, minimal food due to the Chaplain and personnel in the jail not processing my Special Diet applications, and no fresh air. That’s right. On day 4, when I was transferred to my first day in court, it was freezing and no one told us we needed jackets but I was so thankful to feel the sun on my face and my skin exposed to the elements! We were released on unsecured bonds BOTH times we were arrested that week, that’s right, we were arrested TWICE for something that all happened on the same day. Don’t get us started on how dirty and twisted this government agency is!


Nevertheless, we’re continuing on with our journey. All the shifting and flowing for the past 8 years we’ve been together has helped us learn to adjust, be patient with ourselves & each other, given us the tools to heal, protect and CONQUER! We see this nothing more than a LEVEL UP! Another test, put here by our divine selves, ancestors, guides, and Creator to leave our divine stamp and legacy on the world.

All of our cases have been transferred from Cibola County Magistrate Court in Grants, NM to District Court in Grants, NM. Please subscribe to our blog, follow our YouTube channel, and STAY CONNECTED! We’ll be talking about as much as we legally can while the cases are going through the process because we want to make sure we’re enforcing our RIGHT to be a means of checking the agencies our tax dollars go to SERVE the counties and states we live in.


